I’m back

Bock Babes Photography

It has been such a long time since I have sat down and started typing to share what’s going on in our world. I have several posts that I just haven’t hit ‘Publish’ for because I just wasn’t quite sure about what I was saying was enough to publish. The inner struggle of any writer can delay us from so many things.

I created this space to share my journey navigating infertility and often times grieving what seemed like was never going to happen for our family. It was a season of learning to let go of expectations and even parts of my dream of what I thought our marriage would include.

God surprised us and made something we thought was impossible into the best thing our family could experience. The biggest shock in our lives became the biggest blessing. The hard season was designed with a purpose + we had no idea that God was refining us and preparing us for something bigger than us.

I am redefining what this space will focus on, but I will not be changing the heart behind it. This is a space where I will share my thoughts on motherhood, parenthood, navigating grief, supporting people around you and what God is doing in our lives + how it could help you too. There is a string of hope woven through the things I write about and my hope is that it seen + heard. I pray that it always provides you with encouragement wherever you are in your life.

Our family update

Our Daughter, Brooklyn radiates joy everyday. She is learning + growing so fast. When people say babies don’t keep, I have quickly have come to understand what they mean. Brooklyn has always been inquisitive and her introverted parents are still trying to catch up with our extremely extroverted toddler. B loves reading books (often the same one on repeat), playing with cars, carrying her babydoll around, climbing, sprinting away from her parents, talking, watching bubbles + swinging. One of my favorite things about her is that she would call anyone a friends, we often greet strangers with a ” HI!” or a big cheesy grin when they most likely aren’t paying attention.

Cameron is liking his job at the Fresh Market and we really enjoying living in Greensboro. The city life has been fun! There are so many parks in the area for B to roam. Around 8 months postpartum, I went back to work full time. I currently work four days a week and always have a long weekend. I’ve learned in my motherhood journey so far is that you are always looking for balance and sometimes what works for a while may not always workout. It just means you have to be willing to adapt to new things. Adapting to working full time was an adjustment and although it won’t be forever it was good to get out of the house and be productive.

searching for community

About three months postpartum, I felt a yearning for community. We found limited community during 2020/2021 because of the pandemic and knowing we were relocating to Greensboro, I needed something to change. I desired for community in the current season of life. The transition to motherhood is/was challenging and I wanted people in my corner to walk through it together. I felt God calling me to be bold and take a leap of faith by starting my own mama community.

I wanted to create community that embraced anyone walking through motherhood and focused less on the stage/age of the children. My main purpose of the community was to provide a free space for moms to connect and find support for anything that face in motherhood. Our community meets up for playdates, mama night out, family gatherings and it has been amazing to watch it grow into what it is today. Mama Village has been such a blessing to our family and provided us with so much support.

Join our community, we are located on Instagram and Facebook. MamaVillage.Triad

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