Sharing my story

You are not alone, you are seen + loved.


As believers, we are called to share our relationship with God and the things in our lives that have draw us close to him. I truly wish I could wholeheartedly claim that walking through infertility for five years drew me closer to God. But reality is there were moments in my journey when I truly doubted the goodness + faithfulness of God. This blog was created specifically to share my story about infertility. I hope to be fully transparent about its impact on my story. Often my blog posts have been raw emotions about what I was facing at the time. The prayers of hope and laying down a desire of my heart sometimes reluctantly.

If you have walked through a hard season in your marriage or in your relationship with God or in your career, you know how easily you can get caught up in the draining circumstances + start doubting God. You search for instant gratification or you search for ways to replace the thing your heart is desperately longing for..

When your season drags on, you start processing what is happening as if you are grieving your desires. The stages of grief have no fluid path and your triggers can be just about anything. Grieving your desires of your heart is a way to surrender over what you are facing. It doesn’t come easily or naturally.

If you are facing a waiting season, I want you to know that you’re wrestling with your circumstances, your questioning God is absolutely valid + useful to help you through this season. It most likely isn’t comfortable, but it will help you find what ultimately gives you peace.

Infertility Awareness Week (click for more details on my story in previous posts)

This week is an important week in my story, it is about normalizing our conversations about infertility. 1 in 6 women struggle in some capacity to conceive naturally. That statistic alone is alarming, especially when think about our daughters and how likely they could face what so many other women face. Personally, I believe the cause is birth control + the healthcare system handing them out like candy without sharing the side effects. (that’s a whole another topic for another day 😉

Recently, I listened to a podcast episode by The Daily Grace Co on my drive to work and I was thinking how helpful it was to listen to someones story + their wrestling with God in the midst of the valley or the hard circumstances. Maybe you find yourself in a waiting season.. Listen to the podcast episode it is so good to help you reframe your view of God + your season.



We pray for encouragement for whatever we are currently facing. This season is shaping us into something we yet are able to understand. Meet us where we are and embrace us reminding us we are never alone. If we are walking alongside someone in a waiting season, may we be an encouragement to them and an embodiment of the gospel in their day to day. You are a faithful God, that we sometimes doubt and question. But at the end of the day, you are faithful. May we walk with the assurance that you are with us.


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